Yule Celebration Presented by the House of the Goddess
10:33 PM
Yule marks the final seasonal ritual for many of us in the northern hemisphere. As we approach the Winter Solstice, sunlight disappears behind the mountains earlier, and dusk rapidly yields to night's cloak.
Few of us will be sorry to bring 2020 to a close. It seems as though the dark days of the soul began not as the days grew shorter, but back in early March when the rogue COVID wave knocked us off our feet.
To help bring closure to this challenging year, I will be facilitating with the priestesses of the House of the Goddess and the Goddess Temple of Palm Springs during the online Yule celebration Saturday, December 19, 2020. The ritual begins at 6:00 pm PST. To join the ritual, email houseofthegoddess@gmail.com.
The Winter Solstice is an excellent time to meditate on what you do not want to carry forward into 2021. Release that which no longer serves your higher good. Send it pulsing down your body, down your legs, down the magical roots you spring from your foot chakras. Visualize the roots penetrating the ground and racing to the earth's molten core. Command whatever you release to burn, transform, and purify. Then bring revitalizing energy up from the womb of Mother Earth. Direct earth's chi up through your chakras, filling the voids left by whatever you released. Glow like Yule candles, bright with promise and hope.
Blessed be.