A Prayer for America's Wounds
2:30 PM
Butterfly Maiden, help us break through the cocoons of disparity and despair.
So we can manifest peaceful change in the east.
So we can manifest peaceful change in the east.
Kuan Yin, help us see the light within ourselves, within others, and within the current situation.
So we can manifest peaceful change in the south.
So we can manifest peaceful change in the south.
Yemaya, Goddess of the Sea, help us calm the inner waters of those with ill intent.
So we can manifest peaceful change in the west.
So we can manifest peaceful change in the west.
Spider Grandmother, we ask you to guide and mentor us into a more equitable coexistence.
So we may manifest peace in the north.
So we may manifest peace in the north.
So mote it be.
Copyright 2020 by Ariella Moon